Application to AVK Application to AVK. First and last name E-mail Phone Application as Employee (m/f/d) Parts & Accessories Service consultant (m/f/d) Service assistant (m/f/d) Automotive mechatronics technician/mechanic (m/f/d) Bodywork and vehicle construction mechanic (m/f/d) Car salesperson (m/f/d) Employee for Dispo & Accounting(m/f/d) Automotive master craftsman (m/f/d) Unsolicited application Message Upload documents Privacy I hereby agree to AVK's privacy policy . submit First and last name: E-Mail: Message: Application as: Employee (m/f/d) Parts & Accessories Service consultant (m/f/d) Service assistant (m/f/d) Automotive mechatronics technician/mechanic (m/f/d) Bodywork and vehicle construction mechanic (m/f/d) Car salesperson (m/f/d) Employee for Dispo & Accounting(m/f/d) Automotive master craftsman (m/f/d) Unsolicited application Privacy I hereby agree to AVK's privacy policy . Upload documents Send